Thursday, January 25, 2007

Two Parties in One

January 21st, 2007, Advantage English held a party for Josh and Raul. Josh came back almost one year after he left Advantage English and Japan. He and his girlfriend, Angela came back to celebrate Michael's (Advantage English instructor) wedding! As for Raul's birthday, it was Yoko's idea, being the next day and all. So we had two parties in one. And what a party it was. Even though it was Sunday, over 40 people attended! Also, since it was a Sunday, we decided to have a light "supper" type atmosphere and Yoko cooked up what I call "peasant food" but of course it was delicious! Here's the menu, all cooked by Yoko Honda. Of course Yuko I. made the pizzas and Miki K. the cakes! Also a special thanks to Yuko I for her expertise in the kitchen frying up the pot stickers! Also thanks to Tomoko for helping with the dishes.

パーテイーメニュー Jan. 21st 2007
ツナのテリーヌ カルパッチョソース添え
鱈と野菜のフリット 特製タルタルソース添え

This is Josh and his number one fan, Ayako.

Here's the AE staff minus Michael who got married yesterday. Congrats brother!

Here's the party birthday cake made by Miki Koyama!

"Y" is for youth!

Can you see my newest cavity?

Hey, we are just gonna exchange notes on teaching!

Ohio boys are angry that Florida rules college football!

I got Jeddo off the video!

Colonel Griggs and private Zone.

Come on Satoshi, pucker up!

Is that cola you're drinking Yuki??

We'll miss you Josh and Angela!

Miki hiding behind the roses from Meitokaen! Thanks Shigeko!

I had to include the picture of the best tasting crepe cake I've ever had. Of course made by Miki Koyama! AMAZING!

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