Saturday, January 26, 2008

Christmas Dinner 2007 "Amazing!"

Advantage English Christmas Dinner 2008

Our very own Yoko Honda deserves a standing ovation for the feast she served up for this year's Christmas dinner. The menu alone took her weeks to decide and then came the cooking... She spent two sleepless nights prepping and pouring through her recipes to ensure that this year's dinner would be one to truly remember. Here is the menu:

スティックベジタブル、 グァカモーレ、 牡蠣のオイル漬け、 タラモサラダ、 ホタテ貝のタルタル、 ハムの冷たいムース、 厚揚げの八角煮、 サバの揚げ煮、 メカジキのから揚げ、
エビのマヨネーズ和え、 スイートアンドサワーミートボール、 長寿手羽煮
フライドチキンのブルーチーズソース、 ハニーグレイズドハム、 タンドーリチキン、
牛肉の彩りマリネ、 鶏肉の赤ワイン煮込み、 ローストターキー 、 小松菜のタンタンメン

Yes, she made all that. And all by herself! "Amazing!" Is all that many guests could say. Thanks Yoko!

Of course we'd like to also thanks Miki K for her always delicious cakes. I took pictures of all her creations so make sure you scroll down to check them out. Believe me, they taste even better than you can imagine.

Here's the honey glazed ham! Just one of the many beautiful and delicious dishes made by、


Miki K. and  ”きれいな女性” arrive with the cakes! Talk about fashionably late!

Notice the star above ハチ's head!

Since I decided to have Morrissey going all night, I thought I should also have the visuals ready. Just be lucky I didn't sing along.


Yes, I'm the only one looking!

We are gonna dominate your lens.

This food is amazing! You guys have the best parties!

I get a picture with Miki and "きれいな女性!"

L.A. this ain't but hey, it's not bad here!

There's the star again!

Ukon is the best!

Thank you to our helpers this evening!

Here's "本多"!

Merry Christmas!

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